Routing with Tom O'Donnell

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Support your Router 

The router should be supported at all times: Take time to consider making the supports to improve your routing techniques 

There are a number of simple jigs suitable for providing this support, which will assist in obtaining a better finish to your work and also add safety awareness to your routing procedures

 Consider the problem :

When starting and finishing a cut, less than 25% of the base of the router is supported, and during the stroke less than 50% is resting on the material. (This is another advantage of having a circular based router, you will have the maximum support, but it is still not enough.)


What are the alternatives?

Screw a piece of material to the base of the router, this material is the same thickness as the piece to be routered. This method is illustrated in many books and magazines and is considered standard procedure for supporting the router.

(The procedure is used, only when routing the external edges of your material on a flat surface)


 2  Place a strip of material the same thickness as the material to be cut along the side to rest the router. If the material is loose it has a tendency to move. (Unless a large piece is used and can be clamped in position.) The support material should be longer than the project material to give maximum support to the router at the start and the completion of the cut.


Router Support:

    Make a ‘Router Support’ that can be easily attached to the router, one that will be suitable for a greater variety of material thicknesses. This  support is easier to adjust and saves time locating and screwing a piece to the base of the router . (You will always have constant support for your router)

Download the PDF file above to get more information on how to add greater support to your router 

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